
This is my friend Kenji who wakes up happy every morning & goes to bed tired every night, as if his body knows the purpose of light and dark. He is zen and tao without having studied or read. He likes small animals and is gentle and kind. His favorite toys are round and he will follow me anywhere. He likes cauliflower, apples and carrots, zuchini and grapes, but most of all, chicken. He has tasted brandy and wine, but prefers to remain sober. He does not like smoking, but is not judgemental. He loves Montreal and spends summer there.


This is Chriz in Montreal at night with friends. Fire Horse Healer Lover of all things aquatic, colours, numbers and change. Doing instead of planning and appreciating the moment. Always positive but never naive. She dances when she wakes up and sleeps when she lays down. She has lived in many different places and has many more to go. Wherever she is, she lives. Her life is never boring. She is a photographer who needs to make more time for it. She can draw, sing and is an excellent cook. Life with her is unpredictable and always memorable.
Her smile is real. She is a friend of Kenji's and like him, cannot drink too much.


Finally, this is Angela, writer of this blog. Really bad at juggling things in life but always in situations where I must. My weaknesses are books and caffiene. Rainy days energize me, but I regard weather as just a fact. I am patient and persistent. Serious, yet frivolous. An artist with too many things on the go. I think that I am quiet but know that I am not. An artist who loves colours & humour. Numbers confuse me, words relax me. Electric is one I like because it clicks in your throat, like a switch. This picture was taken in Montreal, a city where ideas flourish. My friends pictured above me love it there too. We are light and alive and electric long after unplugging.


  • GO to: Paris. New York. Montreal. London. Tokyo. Amsterdam. Berlin. A blue collar bar. A cafe. Martini Bar. A Rainforest. A Desert. The Prairies. The Metro. A neglected cemetary. A casino. A used bookstore. A whaling town. Art Galleries. Readings. Walk for the sake of it. Go with a dog.
  • Try anything once but don't jump on a bandwagon. Smoke if you want to. Exercise. Sleep with your window slightly opened. Mingle with strangers, spend as much times as possible with dogs. Be tender and tread lightly. Look around as if it is your first day on earth. Or your last.
  • Read Moby Dick to learn to look below the surface. Read Ralph Ellison's The Invisible Man because once you find out who you are, you will be free. Read Nabokov's Lolita to feel uncomfortable. Read Kafka to experience, Chekov to witness(& for a lesson in short story writing) Cormac McCarthy and Joyce to ditch the annoying quotations, Pico Iyer to taste places. Try Chuck Palhaniuk to laugh while squirming, Aimee Bender to dance by her notes of imagination, pick up poetry by Atwood, Billy Collins, Anne Sexton, ee cummings, pablo neruda. Pick up a poet each day, they need a ride in your mind.
  • Films: Sprited Away by Hayayo Miyuzaki (listed first for a reason) Double Indemnity 1948, All About Eve, The Dreamers, Lawrence of Arabia, Gladiator, Zoolander (the same night as you watch the previous) The Saddest Music in the World by Guy Maddin, film genius of our time, Bladerunner, Brazil and also Tideland by Terry Gilliam(the latter, shot in Saskatchewan where land was an ocean) any water film with Esther Williams to make you feel better. That goes for ALL Doris Day and Rock Hudson films, then Calamity Jane for the sapphic subtext, anything with Greta Garbo (watching it in perspective of how closeted lesbians were then) Robert Mitchim in a white jacket or pants, smoking. Mildred Pierce, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir for nostalgia sake.
  • Listen to Nina Simone, Billy Holiday, Morrissey, Daniel Belanger, Miles Davis, Parov Stelar, Hawksley Workman, Andrew Bird, Bebel Gilberto, Cocteau Twins (yes, even now), Holly Cole, Charlie Parker, Thelonius Monk, Thievery Corporation, Patricia Barber, Lucinda Williams, Sly & the Family Stone, Ella Fitzgerald and anything by Cole Porter, the Operas Lakme, Norma, the song Summertime sung by anyone, played on repeat until your cells are hot.
  • Read Haruki Murakami, esp. Wind-up Bird Chronicles and Harboiled Wonderland and the End of the World
  • View the artist Takashi Murakami because he will blow your mind and start your engines. He is electric.
  • Read Patricia Highsmith, esp. The Two Faces of Forgery, Edith, all of her short stories and of couse all of the Ripley books.
  • View the artist Fernando Botero because his portraits will make you feel thin and his body of work will make you feel vast.
  • Read all the noir fiction you can beginning with Raymond Chandler, Jim Thompson, then discover Michael Dibdin and Sebastian Japrisot
  • Drink Espresso as often as possible but make it correctly. Drink red wines from Argentina, Chile, New Zealand, France, Whites from France, Australia or New Zealand and yes, from Canada. Drink as much Belgian Beer as possible. MGD is good too.